Public Service Work Doesn’t Have to be Dismal

Questions around the differences between public and private sector employee engagement badger scholars around the world. In a 2012 study investigating Work Motivation Differences Between Public and Private Sector, Pakistan-based scholars Sadia Rashid and Uzma Rashid, found public servants are motivated by finding the right job fit, and experience more work-life balance in the process, while financial rewards […]

When Growth Gets in the Way of Employee Engagement

organizational growth

What comes to mind when you think about successful employee engagement? Magnetic organizations and productive workforces? We equate employee engagement with business growth. But what happens to employee engagement when business growth mushrooms?  Cindy Grant, VP of Human Resources for Trisura Guarantee Insurance Company frets exactly about that. Having worked her whole career in the heart of Canada’s financial […]

Where Survey Data and Open-Ended Employee Feedback Meet


How do you make sense of employee feedback from open-ended survey questions? And does this kind of feedback really help pinpoint key engagement drivers? After all, it’s not uncommon for an employee engagement survey to rack up hundreds of pages of comments. And having someone from your organization toil through massive numbers of text responses across nine or […]

Mental Health, the Formidable Workplace Foe

mental health

What we can do to promote employee well-being Mental illness is slowly eking its way out from under the long-casting shadow of stigma. Very slowly. Especially in the workplace. Despite recognizing how employee well-being can help or hinder productivity and improve employee engagement, the sad fact is few organizations really pay attention to mental health or know […]

Measuring Up: Tools of the Employee Engagement Trade

Landscape masters Claude Monet and JMW Turner surveyed the lay of the land and painted what they saw, each with their own interpretation and style. Likewise, your organization’s senior leaders look at their employee landscape, interpret what they perceive, and paint a mental picture with broad sweeping strokes.  While interpretive creative license has a place […]

Managing Generational Gaps in the Workplace

various age groups

Do Age Differences Really Matter? Check out some of the online genealogy sites that help trace family lineage and history. The generally accepted time between generations averages 20 to 25 years (from the birth of a parent to the birth of a child). With good health extending our life expectancies in North America it’s not inconceivable our […]

Links Between Employee Engagement and Organizational Success

“People create organizations, therefore the concepts and systems of any organization must reflect the diversity and complexity of the people who comprise it.” What a great quote.  Altruistic, yet oh so true; employee engagement stripped to the bare bones.  Kevin Fong, a proponent of Eastern traditions and philosophies, offers this golden nugget in his paper, The […]

Is Employee Engagement Part Of Your Organization’s DNA?

graph showing engagement data

Where does the notion of employee engagement come from? What’s the motivation? For HR leaders looking to elevate their status and overall value, making those kinds of connections can be the portal to a C-suite. It’s all about how you connect something like attraction and retention to corporate culture, and that culture to employer/employee branding, and that […]

How to Make Employee Engagement Happen Without an HR Department

how do we measure employee engagement

As the hub for all things employee related HR is the “go-to” executive leaders rely on for strategic people and performance guidance. But what happens when a smaller-sized organization doesn’t have an HR department?  How is something as fundamental as employee engagement handled, if at all? Operating without an HR professional is often part and parcel of […]

Get Prepared For The Generation Z Workforce: Facts, Predictions, and Implications

It’s early days for Generation Z (also known as iGen or Post-Millennials) in the workplace. Researchers and writers paint their own pictures of this post-millennial population with different characteristics. Some say they’re confident, entrepreneurial. Others say not so much. So What Do We Know About The Generation Z Workforce And How Can HR Professionals Prepare? […]