Employee Engagement is Worth Caring About: The Increased Employee Productivity Factor

To understand how employee engagement increases employee productivity it’s important to put employee engagement into context and acknowledge how we as organizations play an influential role. In simple terms, we’ve all heard, read about, or experienced a customer service interaction exemplifying employee engagement. You know the kind: where the person you’re dealing with does their utmost to […]

Wrestling Unproductive Meetings to the Ground with Employee Feedback Surveys

unproductive virtual meetings

Are meetings really a waste of time? Not all of them. Not all the time. Yet we’ve all been there, done that. It hurts just to think about the endless hours we spend in webinars or on conference calls or wriggling in uncomfortable boardroom chairs listening to voices drone on and on, seemingly just for […]

What Is Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace?

Diversity hands gesturing love sign

When people think of diversity and inclusion in the workplace the first image that often comes to mind is that of different races in the workplace. But that’s not all that diversity and inclusion is about. It’s about accepting the many differences in all of us no matter who we are and honoring those differences […]

How Is Work Culture Impacted By New Technologies?


New technologies can impact organizations and their work cultures in many ways. They can save money and time. They can help gather intelligence about client’s demographics and their specific wants and needs. New technologies can streamline and simplify repetitive processes. New technologies can also help reach and serve clients around the world in new ways […]

What A Great Workplace Culture Looks Like for Remote Teams

remote teams

As the COVID-19 crisis sweeps the globe, businesses are rapidly adjusting to current conditions and putting remote work into practice. Many have embraced this model for years, claiming great success. Some organizations that have mastered a great remote workplace culture boast that it increases both productivity and profits. But it seems that the key to […]

A Guide to Conducting 360 Feedback Surveys

writing 360 on the board

Imagine a circle with an employee or manager in the centre and employees who work with that manager or employee, placed around the circle. That’s a snapshot of how 360 feedback surveys work. Those around the circle namely peers, reporting staff, coworkers and supervisors who regularly work with the manager or employee, are asked to […]

How to Tailor a Culture Message Across Different Generations


Many of today’s organizations are comprised of employees from not just one or two generations, but three or four. Plus, thanks to diversity and inclusion many employees can come from different cultural backgrounds. Today’s organizations may include people of different ages, races, genders, and religions. These employees might communicate differently and have different life experiences […]

How Do Corporate Mergers Impact Work Culture?

corporate mergers

The quick answer: It depends on the styles of the corporate cultures involved. If the two companies have cultural styles that are a lot alike, it’ll be easier for everyone in the organization to adjust. But, if two companies have very different work cultures and the merger is not planned carefully to soften the blow, […]

Top 6 Ways to Create a Welcoming Culture

welcoming culture

The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines “welcoming” with terms such as comforting, inviting, desirable, hospitable, kindly and personable.  If you’ve ever walked into a party where you don’t know anyone and after about an hour, you realized you didn’t want to leave, you either met an old friend that you really like or there’s a good chance the host […]

Do You Have the Right Culture Mix?

cultural mix

If you’re looking to change your culture but you’re not sure what your current culture is, take a look at our blog called,  Do you know what your workplace culture is? You’ll learn that there are almost as many options as there are companies out there. Plus, with the help of the Harvard Business Review, we identify some key […]