How to Align Corporate Culture With Your Business Goals

If you’re looking to develop a culture for your organization there are a lot of options out there. Truth is, there are almost as many cultures as there are organizations. So it can be tricky to nail one down. But as Adam Bryant, In this video, and after consulting with hundreds of managers, former Deputy […]
Do You Know What Your Workplace Culture Is?

If you’re asking this question, the chances are that you probably don’t. Organizations with a defined workplace culture usually know it because everyone in the organization lives it. They’re steered by it, in everything they do. It’s important to understand that just because it isn’t defined doesn’t mean you don’t have one. You certainly do. […]
What Type of Culture Should You Create?

If you want to create a new business culture, the first step is to understand what culture looks like and means to your organization. Second, learn how to measure and define your business’ current culture, and third, decide if you want your culture to change, and if so, how? So what does a culture look […]
How Does Good Workplace Culture Affect Profitability?

For something vitally important, workplace culture appears to be surprisingly difficult to manage. How is workplace culture defined? Workplace culture can determine whether an employee wants to stay or leave an organization. When you walk into an office, can you feel a vibe or is the atmosphere deflated? When Google hires people, often the answer to why […]
Reasons Why Workplace Culture Can Make or Break Your Organization

Your organization has just hired a new employee. He has great credentials and loads of experience. But is he a good fit? What does that mean? Does he have the right character to inspire and be inspired by the work and organization’s brand? Furthermore, if he is good, will he remain? This is why workplace […]
What is Workplace Culture?

Richard Branson is the well-known founder of the Virgin Group which is one of the world’s most recognized and respected brands with over 400 companies, including Virgin Airways and Virgin Galactic to Virgin Media. Branson has always expressed a different approach to business than his contemporaries. In Forbes magazine, he explains what he looks for in an employee. […]
Promote, Praise, and Influence Engagement in the Workplace

When was the last time someone at work gave you recognition for a job well done? Count yourself lucky if you can remember, and extremely fortunate if employee recognition is frequent and regular. Recognition has an impact on everything from employee retention and churn to customer satisfaction, increased productivity, cost savings and even improved safety. […]
Getting Workspace Design Right

There’s a popular trend lately around open concept offices with undesignated desks or seating. “Inspire collaboration!” interior design types enthuse. Physical workspace design is an interesting topic for yours truly given that the place where this blog and others are written happens to be under a canopy of trees on an outdoor cottage deck (or […]
How to Deal With Workplace Transformations

Organizational improvement initiatives are hard work. Accelerating at breakneck speeds these days, change is a constant that’s demanding faster and more frequent tactical shifts. Like the Pied Piper of Hamelin who lured children to follow the spellbinding notes of his magical flute, HR professionals lead the charges. They make transformative magic happen by facilitating the […]
BIG FIVE Workplace Personalities

Recognizing employees’ traits makes it easier to inspire and engage Understanding the association between individual personality traits and employee engagement is the premise of an academic paper authored by Ilke Inceoglu and Peter Warr. Of course descriptions of workplace personalities come in all kinds of different packaging (red or blue? owl or eagle? amiable or assertive?). When you […]