Dig Deep with Employee Focus Groups: Part 2

Facilitation Guidelines Employee focus groups can dig deeper into problems and causes identified in employee surveys, and can surface suggested solutions. Once you have determined the purpose of your employee focus group, what questions will be asked, and have finalized the timing and location of your focus group, it’s time to ensure you’re ready to facilitate […]

Dig Deep with Employee Focus Groups: Part 1

Professional Growth

Experiences, Feelings, and Preferences Unearthed After an organization has conducted an employee engagement survey further dialogue may be required to validate and clarify results, unearth the root causes of issues, and provide deeper insights that feed into and assist with action planning. Employee focus groups probe identified problems and causes, and surface suggested solutions.  The […]

12 Secrets to Fortify HR Relationships with Managers

Employee engagement is a function of how people interrelate.  How people are managed by others. Funnily enough though, people who manage others aren’t typically moved into these roles because of interpersonal prowess. It’s rather quite the opposite. Accomplished technical skills have traditionally been one’s “ace in the hole.” Yet to reach their personal pinnacles, employees need […]

Before You Launch a 360 Survey… Read This!

A word of caution here: questions about implementing 360° feedback (360 survey) are easy to ask but not so to answer. Often times, management assumes the answers but does not openly discuss them, resulting in much chaos and confusion down the road. An Exceptional Tool for New Managers CASE STUDY: Based in Montreal Canada, a leading software […]