
Education Gain key insights and implement meaningful actions to recruit and keep professors, researchers, and support staff within education.  Book a demo Trusted by some of the most respected education institutions It is forecasted that student population growth will rise 19% between 2017 and 2026 Academic institutions are shifting their focus towards employee engagement, recruitment, […]

Why & How Employee Engagement in Higher Education Can Help

Higher education is facing enormous hurdles. By some estimates, 50% of universities and colleges in the U.S. are likely to face bankruptcy in the coming decades. Most colleges failed to meet their revenue or enrollment goals for 2016. National Student Clearinghouse data shows U.S. college enrollment has declined for five consecutive years and is projected to continue declining for the […]

Resource Library

Resource Library Your hub to explore great resources on employee engagement and workplace culture. Articles Guides & Checklists Case Studies & Papers Info Sheets Webinars Help Center Discover how TalentMap can help promote your organization’s success Why TalentMap? Speak to our team Explore our FAQ’s Boost performance, productivity, and retention with our powerful solutions


Our Customers We work with innovative organizations all over North America and abroad to help inspire culture and engagement. Amazing organizations trust TalentMap Industries with robust benchmark data Education Bring recognition and appreciation to the forefront to retain the educators needed for shaping an admirable future. Learn more Financial Invigorate your staff to achieve remarkable […]


Associations TalentMap is proud to be a long standing member with associations that ensure data confidentiality and survey design best practices. TalentMap is a member of International Organization for Standardization to bring together experts to share knowledge and develop voluntary, consensus-based, market relevant International Standards that support innovation and provide solutions to global challenges. TalentMap […]

Consulting & Advisory

Consulting & Advisory Drive better business outcomes with our consulting and advisory team that can align your executives, managers, and HR leaders towards long-term success Program management and oversight CEO and executive alignment Questionnaire design and communication Executive, manager, staff and board presentations Continuous improvement checkins “Going through an engagement survey was well worth the […]

What Is Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace?

Diversity hands gesturing love sign

When people think of diversity and inclusion in the workplace the first image that often comes to mind is that of different races in the workplace. But that’s not all that diversity and inclusion is about. It’s about accepting the many differences in all of us no matter who we are and honoring those differences […]

How to Tailor a Culture Message Across Different Generations


Many of today’s organizations are comprised of employees from not just one or two generations, but three or four. Plus, thanks to diversity and inclusion many employees can come from different cultural backgrounds. Today’s organizations may include people of different ages, races, genders, and religions. These employees might communicate differently and have different life experiences […]

Top Six Proven Strategies to Improve Engagement

improve engagement

There’s a mountain of material out there on how to engage employees in an organization. It can be overwhelming trying to figure out what’s best, what fits your mandate, your budget, your culture and your specific workplace.  For example, some large businesses can afford to give their employees the moon and the stars when it […]

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