Top 15 Employee Exit Interview Questions

exit interview

If Employees leave your organization and you don’t know why, you may be losing a valuable chance to improve it. In fact, their silence may cause more employees to leave your workplace in the near future. Why? Since you didn’t hear about the problem that caused your employee’s exit – there is a good chance […]

The Importance of Acting on Survey Data

survey data

Two schools of thought seem to be bandying about in the HR field these days. On the one hand, there are those who forecast a mass exodus of baby boomers from the workforce. The predicted result is a huge talent gap.  A fiercely competitive talent market. Employees can be had, they caution, but, at a […]

Where Survey Data and Open-Ended Employee Feedback Meet


How do you make sense of employee feedback from open-ended survey questions? And does this kind of feedback really help pinpoint key engagement drivers? After all, it’s not uncommon for an employee engagement survey to rack up hundreds of pages of comments. And having someone from your organization toil through massive numbers of text responses across nine or […]

6 Tips for Reliable Employee Survey Data

Plenty of universities offer survey design and stat courses. If “stats” was a mandatory requirement for your post-secondary degree (and math’s not your thing) you probably fell into the big pool of students drowning in all the formula and despising the subject. Far from throwing a few questions together and tossing them out for responses, […]